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Hello world!

Elder son has set me up a writer’s website blog thingummy and this is it.

After umpteen years of trying I have finally succeeded in having a story published in a proper book although the online stories have proved satisfyingly popular.

Looking forward to not having the time to update this blog regularly!

Thanks for visiting this site.

Carolyn Eden (Writer) aka Carrie

Published inUncategorized

One Comment

  1. Dear Carolyn,

    I discovered a script of yours on a shelf and read it with interest. The short play was ‘Either Way’. I must have taken it home from the Players and Playrights meeting some few years ago.

    Have you anything which you might consider to be really comedic please? I am looking for a writer who can help both edit and add to a pilot TV series for my TV robot, METAL MICKEY.

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